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Planning and Allocation Health Check to Improve Functionality

Planning and Allocation Health Check to Improve Functionality

Retailers often invest significant resources into Planning and Allocation solutions, but these tools are not a “set it and forget it” investment. In many cases, only a portion of the functionality is used at go-live, with plans to expand usage over time. An initial installation is often designed to meet known, existing needs. But with time, the organization may find additional benefits to be gained from expanding the scope of the solution and data being reviewed.

Many retailers find themselves months or years later still utilizing the same limited functionality. Requests for additional capabilities, like “I need a new variable” or “I need to revamp my measure set” are common.

Whether you’re planning the purchases for the coming season, developing your distribution strategy for your new assortment, or transitioning out of an overstock position, the math can be daunting. RPE consultants can turn business needs into concrete formulas that replicate company metrics, simulate real world conditions, and transform ideas into action.

Schedule a Planning and Allocation Health Check

If you need enhanced Planning and Allocation functionality, your software likely already has the capabilities. RPE offers a comprehensive Health Check to help you maximize your investment. RPE reviews your functional and technical processes to understand your unique needs, documenting issues and identifying opportunities.

An RPE consultant conducts interviews with your Planning and Allocation team to understand current practices, strategies, and challenges. The collected data is then compared to industry best practices and benchmarks, identifying under-utilized features. RPE then delivers a comprehensive Health Check report that details high-priority issues, overall health risks, and recommendations for improvement.

Benefits of a Planning and Allocation Health Check

  • Improve inventory turns and reduce stock-outs
  • Optimize store-specific product assortments
  • Increase sales and margins
  • Insight into industry-leading technology and enhancements
  • Improve system sustainability and efficiency
  • Identify user training opportunities


Contact Us Today

Regularly assessing and updating your Planning and Allocation solutions ensures your retail operations remain agile and efficient, ready to meet current and future challenges. Don’t let your investment in these solutions go underutilized. Contact RPE today to schedule a customized Health Check and discover how better use of your applications can significantly enhance your business performance.